What is holistic learning?

UNESCO describes holistic learning as “an approach that seeks to fully activate all aspects of the learner’s personality (intellect, emotions, imagination, body) for more effective and comprehensive learning.” (http://www.ibe.unesco.org/en)

In other words, a holistic approach strives to make education personable for each learner. You are not just another page to turn in a textbook. Rather, you are the purpose of every lesson. We don’t cover material. We make sure you understand it.

Moreover, our goal is to nurture all four domains of English language and literacy (listening, speaking, reading and writing) and naturally draw the connections between them.

How are our classes different from other language tutors and centres?

We teach using a fun, creative and interactive approach. Unless requested to, we don’t use workbooks as our guide. Instead we use effective educational strategies that incorporate high interest books, immersive activities, games, and learning tools that engage students in meaningful ways. Students learn through context and inquiry. Finally, our classes are intentionally kept small (private 1-1, pairs, or small groups of 4-6 learners) so that each student has ample opportunity to participate.

How long do I have to study and how often should I have class?

It really varies from person to person, and depends on your skill level and personal goals. We can talk about this in more detail during your discovery call.

If you are a beginner, or an early learner, 1-2 classes per week, plus at home practice is recommended. Such learners typically study year round and take a break during summer holidays.

If you are an adult with intermediate to advanced language skills, one class per week, plus at home practice should suffice.

In learning, repetition is key. The more you attend class and practice at home, the more you will learn!

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We look forward to answering all of your questions. Contact us to arrange a free discovery call!

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